6 Passive Income Strategies for Coaches

Woman Having a Phone Call while Looking at the Screen of Her Laptop

As a coach, you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share. Adding passive income into your coaching business can help you to expand your business in a way that doesn't impact your time or energy.

We’ll explore the benefits of adding passive and semi passive and look at how effective planning can help you successfully expand your business without burning yourself out!

Just to be clear though, although passive hints at the idea that once complete, you'll not have to touch it again, you do still have to continue to invest some of your time and energy when you set up your additional products and services.

*Affiliate Disclosure: Some links in this post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something via this link then I may receive a small commission. This doesn't affect the price you pay for the product.

Understand the Potential of Passive Income for Introverts

Passive income refers to earning money from products or services that require minimal ongoing effort. By creating passive income streams in your business, you can continue to generate revenue even when you’re not actively working.

These products helps you to showcase your expertise to a wider audience that's beyond your one-to-one coaching clients.

Creating courses and selling relevant products can also help you stand out as an authority in your industry, and establish yourself as the go-to expert.

Passive income opens up possibilities for:

  • Scalability
  • Financial Growth
  • Increased flexibility within your business
  • Less need to work with several 1-1 clients which frees up time
  • A wider reach through different income revenues
  • Ability to stand out from the crowd in a very noisy online world

Benefits of Passive Income

As touched on above, there are several reasons why passive income can benefit your coaching business.

1. It diversifies Your Revenue: Passive income provides extra income streams, that will complement your coaching services. This helps to reduce the need to secure several one-to-one sessions.

As an introvert and someone who manages fatigue related issues, I'm limited in the number of hours that I can effectively be present to support my clients.

Passive income ensures that I still hit my revenue targets without compromising my health or energy.

2. Reach a Wider Audience: By offering passive income products or services, you'll connect with those who may not be able to invest in individual coaching., or who aren't your ‘ideal' / target audience.

For example, my ideal clients are introverts, HSP’s, and those who manage chronic illness or fatigue. However, my procrastination courses and my Etsy store products are useful for any coach and online service provider.

3. Creates Time Freedom: With passive income, it generally takes less time and energy to manage. This frees up your time for personal growth, rest, and taking on new projects.

Time freedom is one of my biggest motivators. Time and energy is precious and those times when I have no choice but to stop and rest, I can still manage my commitments because I don’t work with many one-to-one clients.

4. Increase Income Potential: Scaling your coaching business through passive income can help to increase your earning potential, even when you're not actively working!

Again this is key when you need to limit the output of your energy. Creating passive income has made a huge difference within my business, which has in turn benefited my entire life.

5. Showcase Expertise: Passive income products, such as e-books or online courses, establish you as an expert in your field, which can attract people who may later move to your one-to-one coaching services or memberships.

There are a lot of amazing coaches and online service providers out there, making it more difficult to stand out. Passive income is a great way to show people your unique skills.

Writing has always been a passion of mine and social media – not so much! Growing an audience on social media isn’t easy for everyone. It can be demoralising when you put the time and effort in but don’t get the growth that you deserve.

This was another motivator for me to diversify and step into passive income. With a book in the works (1/2 written so far ?), I know I can reach more people that way and it’s a solid way for me to stand in my authority without feeling like I’m selling my soul to social media!

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”

Margaret Mead

An image of a rose gold laptop open with a calendar placed on it. A small clock and plant next to it

Passive Income Strategies

1. Identify Your Target Market

Identify your ideal audience and clients for your passive income products and services. Understand their needs, pain points, and desires to create products that resonate with them, and provide the transformation they're looking for.

Are they the same ideal clients as your coaching work, or has this changed for your passive income focus? Repeat the process of research if it’s changed at all. FOcus in on the bridge that is the transformation between where they are right now, and where they want to be.

2. Choose your Passive Income

Consider your strengths, skills, and interests to select the most suitable passive income options. This could include:

  • e-books
  • Online courses
  • Membership sites
  • Digital downloads
  • Products

Whilst it’s easy to pivot, to get your brand established and created an audience for your products, it’s a good idea to focus on specific niches or products in those early days.

You want to make it as simple as possible for yourself as you launch and grow. If your products and services are relatively similar or compliments each other, it will save yourself a lot of time in terms of promoting and marketing as well as increasing your authority.

If you’re choosing to write books – you need to be passionate and competent in what you’re talking about. Also check out my other blog for some more ideas!

3. Plan Content and Product Creation

As part of your passive income strategies, outline a clear roadmap for developing your passive income offerings.

Break down the process into manageable steps, set deadlines, and establish a schedule to keep you on track. Batch your tasks, it's a great way of using your time efficiently. When you batch your tasks you save time on the day to day.

Read more about it here:

How you do this will depend on your current commitments and the time you have each week to dedicate to your business. If blogging is part of your longer term marketing strategy, block time each week to research, write and publish.

As you create new products, create time each week that focuses only on this task. Working in batches may feel painful to think about, but the amount of time and energy it will save you each month makes it worth it!

If blogging is top of your list, then I highly recommend Sadie Smiley, who has a fantastic blog and membership, Passive Income Pathways is geared towards helping those new-to-blogging understand how to do it properly, key aspects of SEO, blogging foundations and more. It's how I have been able to get my blog up and running so quickly.

4. Use Existing Resources

Evaluate your current coaching materials, blog posts, or workshop content that can be repurposed for passive income products. This saves time and ensures consistency across your brand. You can turn workshops into mini courses, or utilise your social media content to create blogs.

If you have a coaching programme you could consider creating a ‘do it yourself’ type online course, giving them the option to upgrade to 1-1 support in the future. The likelihood is you have a lot of content.

Do a stocktake of documents you created but didn’t get around to completing. Create a low cost resource or tool using old lead magnets or modules from within courses / memberships etc.

5. Create Marketing Strategies

Develop a marketing plan to promote your passive income offerings. Utilise social media, email marketing, collaborations, or partnerships to reach your target audience effectively.

If you already use one within your business, adapt one for the passive streams you’re creating. If you already have a following, build upon this. A clear marketing strategy may take you time to create, but it will save you time going forward.

Knowing exactly what you need to do each day or week will save you so much time and decrease pressure in the day to day.

6. Test and Adapt

Part of successful passive income strategies will include testing, reworking & updating as you need to. Launch your passive income products or services, gather feedback, and refine your offerings based on customer responses.

Continuously improve and update your content to provide value and maintain relevance. It can be a lot of trial and error to begin with. Testing things out, seeing what works and what doesn’t.

Some key reflections:

Are your products addressing a need that your audience has?

Is it solving a problem for them? Is it relatable?

Most entrepreneurs / small business owners are looking for solutions to a problem, how do your products do this?

Do you need to tweak things or rethink them completely?

How can you adapt your products to meet the needs of your audience?

Passive Income Strategies image. The Image is of a laptop with female arms / hands over the keys/. Multiful different coloured post it notes scattered all around the desk and laptop. A cup of black coffee amongst notebooks.A busy scene

Key Takeaways: Passive Income Strategies

Passive Income diversifies your income potential without costing you more time and energy. With solid strategies in place, it will:

  • Provide more time freedom which can increase time for you, as well as opening up more time for other areas of your business.
  • Strategic planning will ensure that you can work efficiently without compromising your other commitments.
  • You will feel more confident and in control of your business.
  • Clear strategies will help you to achieve your financial goals.
  • Support you to streamline your processes and make repurposing content easier.
  • Passive income strategies will help you to identify what’s working, and adapt what needs changing.

Success is more than possible for introvert, or low energy coaches, even if certain aspects may be challenging. Explore alternative options if traditional methods like one-on-one work or extensive social media content feel overwhelming.

Consider what will work best for you, with the time and the energy that you do have. Passive income can provide the freedom and financial stability that you desire. By incorporating the best passive income strategies, you’ll find your progress much less overwhelming.

Once you have begun seeing growth and you’re earning money from your passive income, you could hire a virtual assistant (VA) or social media manager. This will help you to streamline your business operations even more, freeing up your time and your energy.

Next Steps?

The key is with passive income, is finding what you want to do. What excites you? What are you passionate about? What are you good at?

Passive income can be an amazing addition to any business if done in a way that compliments your skill set and your current reality. By this I mean – having full awareness of your skill, abilities and your limitations.

For example, I would need to consider energy output before I begin a new project, I am aware that my energy can fluctuate so I always consider this before deciding whether or not to go for it.

This isn’t done in a negative way, it’s done with full acceptance. I want to see success therefore, setting myself to do well is key. Adding an additional element to your business that initially will take some time and effort if you’re already stretched, take the time to work out what availability you have at the moment.

Tools Resources & Support

Each post I add my favourite tools and resources, so here are some more just for you!

Sunsama – A brilliant task management that is perfect for busy and neurodiverse minds who easily find themselves overwhelmed and distracted. grab a free 2 week trial and free month!

Thought-Shifting Mini Journal – CBT-Based Thought Shifting Activities + mini journal with prompts

Canva Pro – Upgrade your content design with Canva Pro. Explore the enhanced features available in Pro. Grab your free trial here.

Etsy – Are you ready to create your own online store? Etsy is a brilliant shopping platform that's used by millions. Setting up your store is simple, and when you sign up with this link we both get 40 free listings!

Pinterest Guide – If you're looking to get into Pinterest, I highly recommend Amy's free guide and Pinterest course. It's up-to-date for 2024 & she also has a brilliant course for only $67 that's updated frequently. (I have a 50% discount on the course using this link SEO and the code RANK)

Task Batching – I created this task batching / brain dump workbook to help you get to grips with batching tasks. You can also read the post here for further info!

Final Thoughts

I hope you have found this post useful. Creating passive income strategies may feel overwhelming at first, but when you approach it as you would any other goal in your business, it becomes easier to see the potential.

My biggest tips is to always make things as easy as you can for yourself. This isn't in a lazy attitude, it's about making things less complicated. This will protect your energy and your mindset as you begin introducing passive income into your business.

Take the time at the start to plan strategically. This will make the difference in things becoming too much, or having a clear roadmap to follow with a step by step guide.

If you experience low energy, or you're more introverted, have a think about the type of products you could introduce!

Let me know what passive income strategies you found the most helpful in the comments, or if you have any suggestions – I'd love to hear them!

If this post helped or you enjoyed reading it, please share one of the images below as it really helps my blog – Thank You!

Passive Income Strategies for Coaches - image of a book, laptop and stationery on a desk
Passive Income: A Guide for Coaches - woman writing in planner
Text reads: Passive income for coaches: Woman sat at desk writing

Meet Lynsey

Lynsey Wall, Coach & Mentor at Coach Writes. About me - A headshot of Lynsey smiling. Wearing a black t-shirt, blue framed glasses. Office walls behind her.

Hey there! I'm Lynsey, a coach, counsellor, and mentor for low energy, introverted or low confident female coaches & small business owners. With over 5 years’ experience of running businesses, and over a decade as a tutor and trainer, I've learned the value of effective time management that energises you through working with your energy.

I've lived with chronic illness – ME/CFS since 2011 and since then I re-trained as a counsellor, and achieved a distinction for my MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice; all while running 4 businesses! I want that for you as well & it is possible with the right support and pathway to success.

Improving your mindset, finding acceptance and developing a solution-focused approach to achieving your goals is my passion. Blending mental health support where needed, as well as a supportive space and methods to manage your work more effectively.

If you'd like to know more about working with me, you can email [email protected] or find me on socials (links in the menu)

Have you seen my online store Shop.QuietlyConquer? Find DFY templates, downloads & more!

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