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Journal Prompts for Beginners

Orange Slice on top of Open Book next to a Pen

Journaling Prompts for Beginners

Getting started with journaling is often the very first hurdle, and may mean you put it off.

Here are some simple steps to get your journaling practice up and running, with some prompts designed for those who are new to journaling.

It's important to start where you're comfortable, and to not pile on pressure to go deep quickly. If opening up, or sharing thoughts is something you tend to struggle with, my advice is to start slowly, and build your confidence.

Journaling helps you to process and understand emotions, which can relieve stress and increase a sense of happiness and calm.

This article will explore the benefits of journaling and some journaling prompts to help you get started.

*Affiliate Disclosure: Some links in this post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something via the link, I may receive a small commission. This doesn't affect the price you pay.

If you have any questions, reach out for a chat [email protected] or check out my other blogs

How Journaling Helps

Personal Growth

Stress Relief – Journaling is a great tool to reduce stress and gain clarity over a situation. When you keep all these thoughts racing around in your head it can be difficult to think clearly or approach things with a calm and focused mind.

You can use your journal to release any negative or unhelpful thoughts, allowing you to feel process situations and any strong emotions. Knowing that it is private and a safe space to let these thoughts and feelings out is extremely therapeutic.

Mental Health Support – As with stress relief, writing down feelings and emotions, allows you to process things. As a counsellor it's something I do suggest to clients as it can help you recognise patterns and find solutions to problems you're facing. When you approach this without judgment, it's much easier to process and become more comfortable with expressing feelings and emotions.

Self Care – The simple act of making time for yourself is a form of self care. Giving yourself the time and space to sit and reflect can be both comforting and energising. Sitting with emotions all day can influence your mood, and impact your actions. Being able to get these things out of your head can act like a pressure valve, enabling you to step into the day with clarity and confidence.

Professional Benefits

Monitor progress – Journaling can be a brilliant addition to your daily and weekly planning strategy. Being mindful of your work, the problems you've faced and overcome can help you review and make any necessary changes in the moment.

You can keep a note of your progress as well as keeping a record of things that went well, new ideas and anything else that can support your ongoing progress and motivation.

Academic Journal – Keeping an academic journal is something I recommend to all of the students I mentor. I first did this during my degree, and more recently during my masters research. It was so helpful because I was able to process my thoughts, keep a note of ideas that bubble up at random times, and keep a clear head when I needed to focus on interpreting data etc.

There may be a requirement from your university to keep a research journal. This is where you can keep a note of relevant research / literature to come back to.

Whether you choose to keep a journal to support your mental health for studying, or as part of your ongoing research, finding what works for you and what is going to be helpful is key.

I used it to accompany my heuristic research. I would use one section for daily reflections (thoughts / feelings / things I found difficult / easy etc. then the other section was a log of useful things to include or come back to as well as any ideas that would arise.

Boosts Creativity – Journaling is great for boosting creativity as it acts like a filter and helps to keep your mind decluttered. It's difficult to be creative when your mind is full, or you're not feeling inspired.

Journaling helps to clear some of the noise, and is also great for recording ideas and inspiration as they arise.

How to Start a Journaling Habit

There are a few things you can do to kickstart your journaling habit. It's the same process as any new habit you want to introduce.

Choose Your Journal Type

This is my favourite part – but also where I can become ridiculously distracted…

There are many options out there to choose from, whether it's a digital or paper journal you're looking for. Try to not get too hung up on this part, yes have fun choosing, but don't let indecision hold you back from getting started.

If you don't want to fork out for a fancy journal – don't! You can use anything – an old notebook or a brand new one – as long as they can do the job, it really doesn't matter!

Guided Journals – Guided journals can be brilliant for newbies. A guided journal with have prompts printed within it. You use these prompts to guide your writing each day.

You may be looking to improve your gratitude, so finding a journal that is dedicated to gratitude journaling may be a great option. Or, if reflection and intention setting is what you need, you can find a journal that helps you focus your thoughts around this.

Free-Flow Journals / Notebooks – If you prefer to write freely, a blank journal or notebook will be perfect for you. This means you can write about whatever you want, without following guided prompts.

Paper Journals – If you love the feel of pen to paper, a paper journal may be the best option for you. I love a paper journal, and it tends to act as a reminder, random thought collector and a bit of a scrapbook!

Digital Journals – I also love a good digital journal. You can get apps on your phone, with many offering the ability to use on your desktop as well. I've used Journal (Apple), Journal (Intelligent Change), and Day One on my iphone, both of which offer a convenient way for me to journal my thoughts and keep track of ideas. I also like how many offer the option to add links and images / photos to the daily record.

Create a Routine

Creating a routine will help you remove the decision-making factor. If you know that at 7am you sit with a cuppa and spend 5 minutes journaling, it's easy to remember.

I love to habit stack – which means I attach a new habit that I want to introduce to an existing one. For example, I write blogs when I am on my (under desk) treadmill.

I write in my journal every evening before I go to bed. It's part of my evening routine, and the last thing I do before getting into bed!

Choose a time when you can dedicate at least 5 minutes, and add it into your daily schedule.

Create a comfortable space. You may choose to journal before you get out of bed, or you may prefer to sit in a comfy seat by the window and journal while enjoying a morning coffee.

Depending on what your reason for journaling is, there may be a time / space that feels more suited to doing it. If it's academic journaling, it may be more useful to put some focus music on and a quiet space where you can concentrate rather than being distracted by the outside!

Start Small

If you're new and feeling a little resistance, start small. Don't force yourself to sit for 30 minutes and write. You'll probably end up with a blank mind and instead of feeling calm and enjoying the moment, you may just feel anxious and blocked instead.

5 minutes a day is more than enough to jot down some thoughts, set an intention and pay attention to how you're feeling.

Journal Prompts for Beginners

I've split these prompts into different themes to help you get started. Once you feel comfortable, take a look at my other posts where you can find more in-depth prompts to help you focus on specific areas.

Daily Reflection Prompts

Daily reflection prompts will help you become aware of any emotions or feelings you experienced during the day. This helps you process not only the work you completed, but how it felt. This can act as a great guide to inform your approach on following days.


  • How do I feel today?
  • What is my energy like today?
  • What are my intentions for the day?
  • What would I love to achieve today?
  • How can I make time for things I enjoy today?
  • Who can I connect with today?
  • What could I do today to make progress on my goals?
  • What am I grateful for?


  • What happened today?
  • What could I have done differently today?
  • How do I feel right now?
  • What went well today?
  • How did I show up, can I make any changes tomorrow?
  • What lessons am I taking away from today?
  • What made me smile today?
  • What am I looking forward to tomorrow?

Self-Reflection Prompts

Use these prompts to help you think a little deeper.

  • What are my biggest goals in life?
  • What brings me joy?
  • How can I do more of what I love each day?
  • What are my core values?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What would I love to learn?
  • What challenges have I faced and overcome?
  • How much have I grown this past year?
  • How do I respond to stress or challenges?
  • What areas of my life would I like to make a priority?
  • When do I feel at my best? What am I doing?
  • I feel most happy when…
  • If I knew I couldn't fail, what would I love to do?
  • What energises me?
  • What would success look like for me? How can I make this happen?

Tools, Resources & Support

Each post I add my favourite tools and resources, so here are some more just for you!

Sunsama – A brilliant task management that is perfect for busy and neurodiverse minds who easily find themselves overwhelmed and distracted. grab a free 2 week trial and free month!

Thought-Shifting Mini Journal – CBT-Based Thought Shifting Activities + mini journal with prompts

Canva Pro – Upgrade your content design with Canva Pro. Explore the enhanced features available in Pro. Grab your free trial here.

Etsy – Are you ready to create your own online store? Etsy is a brilliant shopping platform that's used by millions. Setting up your store is simple, and when you sign up with this link we both get 40 free listings!

Pinterest Guide – If you're looking to get into Pinterest, I highly recommend Amy's free guide and Pinterest course. It's up-to-date for 2024 & she also has a brilliant course for only $67 that's updated frequently. (I have a 50% discount on the course using this link SEO and the code RANK)

Your Growth System – This all-in-one system for service providers / coaches / therapists / VA's etc. is a perfect way to save time & energy. Improve your productivity and beat procrastination by having everything you need to run your business in one place!

Final Thoughts

Journaling can be a powerful tool for both your mental wellness and your productivity and focus.

Getting started can often be the most difficult step, but once you create a journaling habit, this becomes easier, and you will be able to feel the benefits of offloading thoughts and feelings each day.

If you're someone with a super-busy mind, who over thinks or who often feels overwhelmed by the sheer amount of ideas and thoughts you have, journaling could be perfect for you!

Don't forget to check out my other journaling posts, which includes free downloadable prompts with mini journals!

I'd love to hear how you get on, and if you have any questions, pop a comment below or email me [email protected]

If this post helped or you enjoyed reading it, please share one of the images below as it really helps my blog – Thank You!

Open notebook on table. Text reads "Journaling Prompts for Beginners"
Small images depicting relaxation and journaling. Images of journals, people writing & aesthetic sunrise
Journal Prompts for Beginners:  Image behind is a woman writing in journal.

Meet Lynsey

Lynsey Wall, Coach & Mentor at Coach Writes. About me - A headshot of Lynsey smiling. Wearing a black t-shirt, blue framed glasses. Office walls behind her.

Hey there! I'm Lynsey, a coach, counsellor, and mentor for low energy, introverted or low confident female coaches & small business owners. With over 5 years’ experience of running businesses, and over a decade as a tutor and trainer, I've learned the value of effective time management that energises you through working with your energy.

I've lived with chronic illness – ME/CFS since 2011 and since then I re-trained as a counsellor, and achieved a distinction for my MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice; all while running 4 businesses! I want that for you as well & it is possible with the right support and pathway to success.

Improving your mindset, finding acceptance and developing a solution-focused approach to achieving your goals is my passion. Blending mental health support where needed, as well as a supportive space and methods to manage your work more effectively.

If you'd like to know more about working with me, you can email [email protected] or find me on socials (links in the menu)

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